Growing, evolving and brainstorming

Hello all, and welcome back!

A lot has happened in a year, and its safe to say that I'm super excited to delve back into the Media Studies projects and create a whole new product with a new goal and purpose. Since my last creation, I have worked on various independent projects, and my voice and vision are, slowly but surely, coming together as one where can establish what type of style I wish to achieve.

For this years project, I've decided to attack it on my own, and to create a short story package. I have great inspiration and motivation to create a product that reflects my style and identity throughout. To start off, I want to point out that I will be linking (shown at bottom) my old blog to my AS Media Studies. I made the decision to recreate a whole new blog as a blank slate, a new canvas. I want to adapt my blog to the brand I want to create within this product, and in doing so I want to have full freedom of the choices I make on this blog. Also, I think it is important to retain the choices I made on my old blog to see how I have improved or changed since my last project.

I definitely want to break expectations in this project as a major goal I had in last years project was genre intertwining. However, it wasn't as prevalent as i wanted it to. Given the parameters this year, I definitely I have more leniency in time restriction to represent these weird stylistic choices and interpretations, but it will still be difficult to achieve.

Over the past Few months I have been increasingly attracted to the stylistic elements of horror films, musicals, and experimental films. it'll take a couple of epiphanies for me to arrive to a set idea on what i want to create but I'm ready to set out and explore those various genres. In my next blog post, I will be exploring the nature of short film musicals, and see if perhaps it is a route that is feasible for me to follow. Like maybe some weird magician musical or something... 

Wish me luck.

AS Media Studies Blog:


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