Death By Musical


What a week. Who knew being a second semester senior could be so tiring?
Anyways, I think I made some good progress on some of my research and narrowing down what I wanted. Two nights ago, I delved into the researching musical short films. I was really inspired by some of them and they gave me a lot of different ideas as to what I want. My favorite one was entitled 7:35, a sort of dark black and white musical; it was also nominated for an oscar in 2004!
It really helped me wrap my head around the creepy style I want to go for. Some other ones that I found interesting is Dancing Animals in Love and Sudden Death; these two shorts helped mold in a simple song that sometimes seemed so dumb but really added to the style of the short in the way that it added commentary on social issues or opinions.

I then began researching into horror short films; another topic that I really want to incorporate into my final project, as it has really interested me more and more recently. A key short that I really liked Arret Pipi, which just showed a simple scene of a couple stopping at a rest stop to pee. But the stylistic elements were so simple that it still allowed the short to feel like it was adequate timing. I especially liked one of the quotes the director said which was:
“Five minutes is a very short time to tell a story”, Vleugels reveals when discussing the aims of the film, “so i decided to keep it simple and limit the film to one long scene. Maybe have it feel like the prologue to a longer film. I also wanted to do something without too much pretense but embrace the genre and just have fun with it”
This statement really stood out to me because I tend to overcomplicate things so it is something to keep in the back of my mind. 

In my next post I will talk more about the progress of narrowing my genre and overall goal of my project; as well as my first discussion with Stoklosa.


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